Delighted you stopped by............

The good news is that this is not another coffee table book for you to dust around and the bad news is that I can't hear your laughter or share your tears. There are memories and current events, amusing and poignant, but hopefully delightful and relateable. Thanks for joining me on the journey.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I was just thinking about a time last fall when I was in my Adirondack chair totally engrossed in a book. The man in the red suspenders joined me and was entreating me to ‘look see’ what he found. There in his hand was a bright yellow wooly worm with spectacular long black tufts on his head and hind. How magnificent! We all have our memories of brown wooly worms and many of you right now are thinking of that one child of yours who emptied the applesauce or pickles to get the canning jar and begged for a hammer and nail to put holes in the lid. Then came the rare delight of the cocoon spun on the twig slanted inside the jar and the even rarer emergence of the moth or butterfly. I say rare, because many a day dawned with lifeless brown wooly worms on the bottom of the jar. Anyway, brown woolies are rather common place, but this day would bring a particular delight. While bright yellow woolies may be found all over, I had never seen one and the man in the red suspenders hadn’t either. He calmly yet confidently said with a smile, “God did it just for me today”. He then returned the wooly to the garden to continue its’ quest for the appointed time and spot to complete its’ change while I sat and pondered the idea that God purposely sets out to delight us and how often we miss it. Overcome with schedules and time constraints, buried in bills and burdens, energy wanes and sadness becomes overwhelming. It is a challenge everyday to not become consumed by the daily in the hopeful pursuit of the delightful. The Bible speaks of God’s delight in me and you. I have to wonder, what about me does He find that is delightful. It delights me just to think about it! Perhaps it is my reaction that delights Him:) What will your wooly be today? Are you looking for that delight? People find a weird sense of satisfaction in daily repeating some adage regarding the common nature of life as if ‘another day, another dollar’ makes sense of ones existence. How about choosing to look beyond rather than just get through. Every day He has something just for you - ask Him to let you see it and then share it. Like the man in red suspenders and his delightful bright yellow wooly. I don’t know where it made it’s cocoon, but every butterfly I saw made me smile and wonder if it was he.

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